Heavy drinking and illicit drug use common in London methadone patients - were doses adequate? Research summary by Dr Richard Hallinan.
Excessive alcohol consumption and drinking expectations among clients in methadone maintenance. Hillebrand J, Marsden J, Finch E, Strang J. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 2001 21;3:155-60
Dear Colleagues
This study investigated the prevalence and psychological determinants of alcohol consumption in 66 MMT clients in South London in 1999, using the framework of the Theory of Reasoned Behaviour (Ajzen and Fishbein, 1980). By a sensitive criterion of 3 or more of 8 DSM-IV markers of alcohol dependence, 54% of surveyed clients were alcohol dependent in the previous 12 months. In some cases this period could have preceded the time in MMT, which together with the sensitive criterion of alcohol dependence may have given a liberal estimate of this problem in MMT clients, however the results are consistent with many previous studies showing a high prevalence of alcohol dependency in MMT clients in the US and UK.
The study participants had been in treatment at least a month (mean 28.4 months), and were dosed at community pharmacies with a mean dose of 49mg (SD 27mg). There were also high levels of recent use of heroin (62%), stimulants (47%) and benzodiazepines (32%).
The researchers examined the clients' perceived functions for alcohol use, and found 84% used it to relax, 68% to relieve boredom, 66% to improve low mood, 64% to forget problems, 54% to help them sleep and 30% to increase the effect of methadone; 28% to get going in the morning; 24% to stop feeling sick in the morning. 24% used it to calm down after using other drugs.
The strongest predictor of clients' expectation of change in their own drinking was 'subjective norms', suggesting their susceptibility to the views of 'important others' around them, potentially including MMT staff. The use of alcohol to perform particular functions was also a strong predictor of low expectation of change, suggesting that if these specific functions could be served in other ways, clients may be more susceptible of change in their drinking behaviour. The dose of methadone was significantly and negatively related to expectation of change in drinking.
The mechanism for determination of methadone doses in this client group is not specified in the report; in particular it is not apparent whether there were actual or perceived ceilings to methadone dosing.
The MMT clients reported in this study apparently received a considerable range of doses but the mean dose was lower than the minimum 60mg daily recommended by the US National Institutes of Health consensus panel guidelines (1997). Only 35.5% of MMT clients in the US were receiving doses less than 60mg daily in 2000, down from 79.5% in 1988 (D'Aunno and Pollack 2000). Ball and Ross (1991) found that prevalence of heroin use fell to under 10% only with MMT doses higher than 50mg daily. In a study of 211 MMT patients Eap et al (2000) found a trough R,S- methadone level of 400 ng/ml was a significant therapeutic threshold with an 81% specificity for absence of heroin use, a level achievable with a mean dose of circa 80mg daily (Wolff et al 1991).
Hillebrand et al's study should thus be examined through the prism of possible underdosing, which is strongly suggested by the high prevalence of continuing heroin use. Most of the specific perceived functions of alcohol use which they identified (viz to relax, relieve low mood, get to sleep, get going or stop feeling sick in the morning, to augment the effect of methadone) could be interpreted as self medication of symptoms of abstinence. Borg et al 1995 found methadone levels under 150 ng/ml in 9 of 10 patients with such symptoms, and reported "Early opioid withdrawal, requiring a higher dose of methadone, is often difficult to diagnose because many of the symptoms are also symptoms of other syndromes common in the methadone maintenance population."
The authors identified a negative correlation of dose of methadone with expectation of change in drinking behaviour, which they speculate may reflect a greater 'attachment' to their drinking behaviour in higher dose clients. This finding needs scrutiny considering the limited information given about dosing practices. On the figures given, at least 95% of the clients had doses less than 103 mg daily (ie mean+2xSD). In a situation where there is considerable dosing flexibility within actual or perceived limits, higher dose clients are more likely to include those limited by a 'ceiling'. Thus, paradoxically, higher doses could be associated with a greater likelihood of underdosing, explaining the greater 'attachment' of some higher dose clients to their drinking. The fact that the association of high dose with lower expectation of change was independent of perceived functions of alcohol, need only imply that the function of alcohol in alleviating symptoms of abstinence is not always perceived as such.
The strongest positive predictor of expectations was found to be subjective norms, evidence of the importance of the MMT environment in addressing problematic alcohol consumption. The power of subjective norms also suggests a mechanism by which clients might limit their own doses to 'acceptable' limits and fail to perceive the extent to which alcohol is used to alleviate symptoms.
Clients who felt they were using alcohol for specific functions were less likely to expect change in their drinking. The simplest alternative to alcohol for many of the functions identified by the researchers might be methadone dose titration.
In contrast to the good evidence that adequate doses of methadone can reduce cocaine use, there is only a modest literature of observational studies suggesting the same for alcohol and benzodiazepines Byrne 1998 Maxwell and Shinderman 1999, Tennant 1987, Stimmel et al 1982, Gelkopf et al 1999. Recently Lubrano et al 2002 et al have described high levels of craving for alcohol in MMT patients receiving low doses. Hillebrand et al's simple and elegant study highlights the need for further research to evaluate the issue of adequacy of methadone dose in dealing with the important problem of alcohol use in MMT.
Comments by Dr Richard Hallinan, 75 Redfern St, Redfern, 2016
Ajzen, I., and Fishbein, M. (1980) Understanding attitudes and predicting social behaviour. London: Prentice-Hall International.
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Maxwell S, Shinderman M. Optimizing response to methadone maintenance treatment: use of higher-dose methadone. J Psychoactive Drugs. 1999 Apr-Jun;31(2):95-102.
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Hillebrand J, Marsden J, Finch E, Strang J. Excessive alcohol consumption and drinking expectations among clients in methadone maintenance. J Subst Abuse Treat. (2001) 21(3):155-60
National Addiction Centre Institute of Psychiatry, Maudsley Hospital 4, Windsor Walk, London SE5 8AF, UK.