23 December 2014

Obituary on Henry Harris.

One of Australias great medical researchers Professor Sir Henry Harris died at his home in Oxford on 31 October 2014 aged 89.  Harris was hand picked by Howard Florey (of penicillin fame) for a career in medical research - and when Lord Florey retired in 1964 Harris was appointed to head his William Dunn School of Pathology in Oxford.  This he ran for over 30 years and continued an association until his death.  The institute was featured on our old fifty dollar bank note, adjacent to Floreys image. 
As exemplified by the single historical English Pope No prophet becomes famous in his home town.  So was Henry Harris who, after Sydney Boys High, University of Sydney and Melbourne University, lived and worked in Oxford for the rest of his life. 
While unfamiliar to most Australians, Harriss prodigious talents and energies were well known to his year members including my late father, John Justinian Byrne, Prof Jim Lance, Malcolm Coppleson, JG Richards and other doctors of their generation.  Henry started at Prince Alfred Hospital measuring sodium, potassium and chloride in severely ill hospital patients.  Melbourne had the only flame photometer in the country so my father, who lived near Mascot airport, would courier the specimens and with luck, the results were wired that evening to the Clinical Research Ward, sometimes too late to be of help such were the life-and-death conditions being treated. 
Harriss contributions to medical science were legion but his main interest appears to have been regarding malignant transformations, tumour suppressor genes and the re-emergence of cancer cells.  He pioneered induced cell fusion which allowed a multiple myeloma cell to produce any number of specific mono-clonal antibodies.  This work was adopted by others who introduced new and effective treatments for cancers as well as certain autoimmune diseases, some recognised by Nobel prizes.  For his services to medical science Harris was elected to the Royal Society in 1968 and received a knighthood from the Queen in 1993.  He served after Richard Doll as Oxford Regius Professor of Medicine for 13 years from 1979. 
My own tenuous connection with Henry Harris began with a hectic day spent with the great man on a brief visit to Oxford in 1971.  It was a revealing and rewarding glimpse into the researchers life for an antipodean medical student.  During a busy but unscripted day, Henry dealt with postgraduate students, journalists, laboratory, library and the like as well as fielding calls from a minister of the Crown, newspaper editor, overseas parties, etc, making me realise that a life in academe was neither boring nor was it easy! 
Years later in (partial) retirement Henry resumed a regular correspondence with my late father.  One of his last letters, all written in long-hand, spoke to his longing for Australia, saying that no matter how long they have lived there, Australians are never fully accepted by the English and yet, he wrote further, should he return to Australia after so long he might find little familiar from his youth, even among his own countryfolk.  Like others, Henry was bemused by my association with Judaism, writing with good humour that I may be sitting in his very seat at Central Synagogue! 
In another piece of serendipity, the treatment I was offered when suffering from lymphoma some years ago was based on Henry Harriss ground-breaking research, a monoclonal antibody drug called rituximab [Mabthera]. 
Henry was born in Russia whence his family migrated when he was four.  He is survived by his wife and three children.  By another chance, Henrys first cousin once removed, Dr Newman Harris, works in Sydney in my related field of pain management and drug dependency. 
Written by Dr Andrew Byrne. Published by Australian Jewish News.  

9 November 2014

Something old / something new. Harm reduction in action for hepatitis C infection.

Dear Colleagues,
I have been sent several articles recently pertaining to dependency treatment and hepatitis C (HCV) - see below for citations and additional comments. 
Unsurprisingly, a 2014 Cochrane summary concurs with our own experience that methadone and buprenorphine are highly effective drugs for opiate maintenance with methadone having somewhat better statistics on retention.  While maintenance research for 40 years has shown reduced injecting, it is gratifying that this has finally translated into lower rates of HCV transmission - see two further items below.  Once again, opiate maintenance seems to be worth the expense and the indignities and should probably be mainstream medical practice which would eliminate current long waiting lists. 
A regrettable ‘guideline’ in the Pain journal advises first relating possible cardiac side effects to prospective methadone patients and then performing ECG before and during treatment despite a frank admission that such strategies are not evidence based.  [Cochrane finds ‘no evidence’ for ECG as a preventive strategy]
Finally and left of field, Mason shows evidence favouring agonist treatment for alcoholism (using gabapentin in this case), at least in a 12 week RCT. 
Mattick RP, Breen C, Kimber J, Davoli M. Buprenorphine maintenance versus placebo or methadone maintenance for opioid dependence. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2014 Feb 6
White B, Dore GJ, Lloyd AR, Rawlinson WD, Maher L. Opioid substitution therapy protects against hepatitis C virus acquisition in people who inject drugs: the HITS-c study. Med J Aust 2014 201;6:326-329
Tsui JI, Evans JL, Lum PJ, Hahn JA, Page K. Association of Opioid Agonist Therapy With Lower Incidence of Hepatitis C Virus Infection in Young Adult Injection Drug Users. JAMA Intern Med. 2014 Oct 27
Mason BJ, Quello S, Goodell V, Shadan F, Kyle M, Begovic A. Gabapentin treatment for alcohol dependence: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA Intern Med 2014 174;1:70-77      
Methadone Safety Guidelines. Methadone Safety: A Clinical Practice Guideline From the American Pain Society and College on Problems of Drug Dependence, in Collaboration With the Heart Rhythm Society. Chou R, Cruciani RA, Fiellin DA, Compton P, Farrar JT, Haigney MC, Inturrisi C, Knight JR, Otis-Green S, Marcus SM, Mehta D, Meyer MC, Portenoy R, Savage S, Strain E, Walsh S, Zeltzer L. The Journal of Pain 2014 15;4:321-337
Our own practice has been doing hepatitis monitoring every six months for the past 25 years in our OTP patients.  As with other reports, we have seen a steady decline in the rate of HCV in new patients plus a small number of new cases, even in those already in treatment.  One was a re-infection after treatment while another had two different genotypes.  About 50 have been treated with interferon and ribavirin with about 80% achieving sustained viral response and thus cure of the disease.  Five others (10%) were successfully treated on a second episode, using triple anti-viral therapy. 
White et al. and Tsui et al. have used longitudinal studies of drug using volunteers with regular testing for HCV antibodies and pcr (virus).  Whites paper describes the dramatic reduction in overall incidence from 30 cases per 100 patient years in some older studies to 8 cases in their data from Central and Western Sydney (n=150, t=3yrs).  For those with recent engagement in opiate maintenance treatment this rate was almost 6 fold lower, approximately one single case (still one too many).  Tsui and colleagues (n=550, t=6yrs) found a high rate of 25 cases per 100 pt yrs in Boston/Californian injectors, but a far lower rate in the sub-group reporting recent opiate maintenance treatment (about half), consistent with White’s findings from Sydney.  Both studies had high rates of homeless and unemployed subjects. 
Mason has published about the use of nalmefene in alcoholism 15 years ago with this recent contribution a RCT of gabapentin which increased abstinence from 4% to 17% at 12 weeks using 1800mg daily.  However, even on the full dose, less than one fifth of patients became abstinent (all patients received counselling).  For moderate drinking, the modest placebo effect was doubled but over half the patients still failed to respond.  A major question is whether the responders are the same or a different group to the responders to anti-craving drugs or Antabuse. 
One must admire Mason with the staying power to examine such diverse interventions in fields in which there are still very limited options.  She has also looked at gabapentin in cannabis withdrawals in 2012.  There have also been some promising items by others relating to the use of baclofen, topiramate and ondansetron.  These should all be subject of serious research considering the scope of the problem.  The most effective intervention I have read actually gave alcohol to homeless alcoholics in Toronto (http://methadone-research.blogspot.com.au/2006/01/supplying-alcohol-to-alcoholics-may_9924.php4). 
There has still been poor general uptake for the three approved drugs for alcoholism, disulfiram, naltrexone and acamprosate despite proven benefits in a substantial proportion of alcohol dependent patients (when used in a structured program).  In a world driven by quick profits from avaricious drug manufacturers (see stories about Gilead on hepatitis C tablets marketed at $1000 per pill!) research on drugs which are already approved is unlikely without pressure from health officials, politicians and other advocates.  For rare diseases one might understand high prices to return funds spent on research.  For common diseases like hepatitis C and alcoholism profiteering can verge on the criminal in my view. 
Last but not least is one of the least productive (unless you hold Reckitt stocks) items I have read, a guideline on methadone prescription.  My more detailed summary is on (http://methadone-research.blogspot.com.au/2014/11/a-disappointing-guideline-on-methadone.html ). 
There may be a case to examine the long term side effects of methadone (for example on calcium metabolism and androgen suppression) and try to balance this with a transfer to buprenorphine in suitable cases as a means of preventing future problems.  However, these authors only deal with one exceedingly rare non-fatal cardiac event, while ignoring the cardiac benefits attributed to methadone by Mori Krantz in 2001 (http://methadone-research.blogspot.com.au/2013/10/archive-of-mori-krantz-article-on.html ).  This article in ‘Pain’ appears to exaggerate the cardiac side effects of methadone while also using speculative advice on ECGs as prevention.  Tachycardia is a very unpleasant event but nowhere is it mentioned that there has never been a death in a methadone patient due to confirmed torsade de pointes in 50 years. 
Best regards to my readers and congratulations for your patience in reaching this point in my humble narrative. 
Andrew Byrne ..

3 November 2014

A disappointing 'guideline' on methadone treatment.

Methadone Safety Guidelines. Methadone Safety: A Clinical Practice Guideline From the American Pain Society and College on Problems of Drug Dependence, in Collaboration With the Heart Rhythm Society. Chou R, Cruciani RA, Fiellin DA, Compton P, Farrar JT, Haigney MC, Inturrisi C, Knight JR, Otis-Green S, Marcus SM, Mehta D, Meyer MC, Portenoy R, Savage S, Strain E, Walsh S, Zeltzer L. The Journal of Pain 2014 15;4:321-337
This promising document attempts to give guidelines for the safe use of methadone in pain management, dependency and paediatrics.  With two contributors in common, it appears to be based on an earlier ‘guideline’ initially published on-line in Annals of Internal Medicine and then withdrawn, only to be re-published three months later omitting CSAT in the title (ref 1).  In both these cumbersome and non-evidence based ‘guidelines’ on safe methadone use the reader is first advised to warn individual patients of possible cardiac complications before treatment.  Then, whether for pain or dependency, one is advised to perform ECG before and during treatment. 
After such worrying information some patients may request an alternative medicine which may be less effective and more costly than methadone.  No mention is made of other significant complications such as constipation and hormone disturbances. 
We are told that there is only low-quality evidence for ordering ECG yet a recent Cochrane summary finding ‘no evidence’ for ECG in prevention of cardiac complications is not cited.  So these authors just seem to think ECG is a ‘good idea at the time’ with no suggestion of a cost-benefit analysis or international perspective.  Their call for more research is rather bewildering in a decades old treatment.  Controlled trials are impractical for long-term and very rare events such as TdP [sic].  Mandating ECG in some countries may mean the difference between getting treatment or not getting treatment (for pain or dependency).  This issue is not addressed in this particularly American document. 
Opioid therapy for analgesia and dependency have quite different goals of therapy yet these authors consider the cardiac risk in a parallel fashion.  A reasonable risk for dependency patients may be an unacceptable one in pain management.  These authors do not make this distinction adequately in my view. 
While these authors quote the very low rate of torsade de pointes (TdP) found in a large national study in Norway (Anchesen et al.), they fail to quote a larger and equally reassuring French study by Perrin-Terrin (ref 2).  The latter found extremely low rates of TdP in the national pharmaco-vigilence program in France.  Krantz has written that methadone maintenance substantially improves cardiac safety in several respects (ref 3). 
Twelve years after the first description of TdP in methadone patients there is still no proof that methadone causes this syndrome using strict scientific criteria.  There were no case reports in 35 years of widespread international use of methadone.  Nevertheless, as patients aged and new adjuvant treatments came into use for HIV, hepatitis C and other conditions, substantial evidence has accrued including over 100 published case reports, official adverse event reports, literature summaries and forensic studies on sudden death cases.  These make it clear that when TdP occurs it nearly always has precipitating events in methadone patients, usually when used in high dose over long periods.  It is generally agreed that TdP is multifactorial (ref 4). 
These authors do not appear to be aware of this literature.  For instance, Wedams finding of substantial QTc abnormalities in up to 10% of newly enrolled methadone patients in at odds with an almost complete lack of reports of TdP in patients new to methadone.  Numerous other inconsistencies make these guidelines inappropriate and unduly alarmist.  The authors scarcely mention the consequences of treatment failure, balancing this with the occurrence of side effects.  They also fail to discuss common side effects such as alterations of calcium metabolism which can lead to osteoporosis in later life, not to mention severe constipation which is not always a trivial complication. 
The recommended starting dose of 2.5mg 8th hourly in a patient who is transferring from morphine is highly questionable and almost a recipe for failure (and thus transfer to yet another formulation).  For dependency, 30-40mg starting doses have been the long standing recommendation for most patients.  Yet the US TIP guidelines allow up to 60mg on the very first day (under specific circumstances and in split doses).  They also allow somewhat faster increments than permitted here by these authors where it could take three weeks to reach the common dose of 100mg daily.  Inadequate dose escalation is yet another reason for methadone treatment failure and drop out in the case of clinic patients, and a known high mortality (ref 5), unlike TdP which is “controllable 100% of the time” according to cardiologist Phibbs (ref 6).  Overdose in the first two weeks of treatment is also a risk, hence the need for professional daily supervision. 
Despite a constant theme of cardiac prevention, the reader is not informed that while it is most unpleasant and to be avoided, TdP is exceptionally rare and apparently universally non-fatal in dependency patients.  Furthermore, it usually occurs in patients with more than one risk factor and thus can be predicted up to a point.  TdP should be seen in a balanced context, like all side effects. 
These authors overlook the repeated finding in controlled studies that methadone has better retention and lower intercurrent drug use when compared with buprenorphine at therapeutic doses (ref 7).  We read here instead that they have ‘similar efficacy’ which is less than candid with the reader (and another bonus point to - or from - buprenorphine manufacturers).  And nowhere is cost-effectiveness mentioned even though most medical schools now place this as an important item in therapeutics tuition - and for the third world it is often critical. 
By getting members of pain, dependency and paediatric specialties to agree with previous untested and unproven guidelines these authors have unwittingly allowed themselves to be aligned to the drug industry in its time honoured strategy to denigrate low-profit drugs in favour of expensive and high-profit medications (indeed, that is their duty to their shareholders).  As clinicians we should be able to balance such commercial fervour with common sense in our patients’ interests.  
A national conference side show some years ago entitled Cardiac complications of methadone treatment funded by Reckitt Benckiser brought these tactics into focus.  Their drug, buprenorphine, is the only licensed alternative to methadone for opioid maintenance in Australia so why would they not support publicising alleged problems with methadone?  Despite being over 30 years old buprenorphine still attracts extremely high prices.  Its various formulations combined with naloxone have not been shown to be superior to pure buprenorphine (and remarkably this is not even required under normal TGA regulations for a new pharmaceutical product).  It is unfortunate that thousands of Australian patients are currently taking naloxone every day (1) with no proven benefit and (2) with little long term safety data. 
With new measures attempting to ward off rare complications, these guidelines would be more appropriate for a brand new drug.  However, with decades of safe use worldwide new prescribing restrictions or safeguards should only be added with good reason.  The authors avoid the term ‘drug of choice’ yet with its track record and superiority in retaining patients, reducing high-risk behaviour, methadone may fairly claim this status in opioid maintenance. 
Another area which is studiously avoided by these authors is the supervised administration of methadone in clinics and that uniquely American conundrum that most methadone clinics have been unable or unwilling to prescribe buprenorphine while their private community practice colleagues are not permitted to prescribe methadone for addiction.  So these ‘guidelines’ are of little or no use to a large proportion of American doctors who prescribe for opiate dependence … and should be received with great scepticism by others, such is their narrow clinical message. 
Some might expect methadone treatment guidelines to be written by doctors who prescribing the drug, aided by pharmacologists, public health physicians and/or others with training in therapeutics.  The list of authors shows a quite contrary group, including some serial offenders as being critical of methadone and some have been paid advocates of buprenorphine, the only licensed alternative to methadone for dependency treatment.  The conflict statement would appear to be delinquent in these respects. 
I apologise for bringing such a GIGO* publication to the notice of readers. 
Written by Andrew Byrne ..
* Garbage in, garbage out.
1. Krantz MJ, Martin J, Stimmel B, Mehta D, Haigney MCP. QTc Interval Screening in Methadone Treatment. Ann Intern Med 2009 150;6:387-395
2. Perrin-Terrin A, Pathak A, Lapeyre-Mestre M. QT interval prolongation: prevalence, risk factors and pharmacovigilance data among methadone-treated patients in France. Fundam Clin Pharmacol. 2010 Sep 6
3. Krantz MJ. Clinical Concepts- Cardiovascular Health in MMT Patients. Addiction Treatment Forum 2001 No 4 (copy on request). 
4. Justo D, Gal-Oz A, Paran Y, Goldin Y, Zeltser D. Methadone-associated Torsades de Pointes (polymorphic ventricular tachycardia) in opioid-dependent patients. Addiction. 2006 101:1333-1338
5. Grönbladh L, Öhlund LS, Gunne LM. Mortality in heroin addiction: impact of methadone treatment. Acta Psychiatr Scand (1990) 82:223-227
6. Phibbs B. Advanced ECG: boards and beyond. 2006 Elsevier p142
7. Mattick RP, Breen C, Kimber J, Davoli M. Buprenorphine maintenance versus placebo or methadone maintenance for opioid dependence. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2014 Feb 6

7 May 2014

Opioid overdose epidemic in America - NYT story

American overdose crisis worsens. New hydrocodone product approved against advice.  Also overdose editorial by Prof Shane Darke (see below*). 
Reference: New Painkiller Rekindles Addiction Concerns pD1 Science Times, New York Times, Tues April 22. 
This is a featured article by reporter RC Rabin about the marketing of a new long-acting hydrocodone preparation in the context of ever-increasing overdose deaths in the US.  Such is the crisis in Massachusetts that the Governor has taken the unprecedented step of declaring a state of emergency over the overdoses.  Gov. Deval Fitzpatrick banned this drug outright, despite its approval by the FDA.  A court over-ruled the Governor and so Zohydro joins dozens of other over-priced and dangerous opioid analgesics on American pharmacy shelves. 
Nearly half of the nations 38,329 overdose deaths in 2010 involved painkillers according to the CDC.  These narcotics now kill more adults than heroin and cocaine combined, sending 420,000 Americans to emergency rooms each year. 
The FDA approved Zohydro ER, a long-acting version of the opioid hydrocodone, against the advice of it advisory committee. 
It was also Governor Deval Fitzpatrick who used his emergency powers for the approval of naloxone for distribution to emergency workers, police and ambulance who are now all supplied with these in Massachusetts.  Since 2006 the drug has been made available in that state as a nasal spray from existing approved syringe product, as an off-label use for friends or relatives of known or suspected drug users in an attempt to reverse overdoses.  The traditional ampoule of naloxone is cheap (around $30 per dose) and there are claims that thousands of overdoses have been successfully resuscitated using the drug nasally.  A newly FDA approved auto-load syringe has recently been publicised but will cost over $200 and two may be required for a single overdose (it also has talking instructions which I hope will be in two languages, like America itself).  It will not be available for several months at least. 
My view is that this intervention should be examined carefully by public health experts to determine pros and cons.  On my recent trip to New York the overdose crisis was mentioned many times and is the subject of great concern amongst the public and policy makers alike. 
And the elephant in the room?  Despite the life saving potential, nobody seems to be talking about methadone and similar treatments which are simply not available to most Americans who need them.  Such treatments were not even mentioned in this long NYT article.  Methadone maintenance is limited to clinics in the United States and buprenorphine is beyond the budget of many opioid dependent citizens (and is usually given as a simple prescription without supervision, psychosocial supports or urine toxicology - making it a non-evidence based, expensive, experimental intervention - although probably better than no treatment at all).  On any rational economic grounds such treatments should be subsidised by the government which currently wastes millions of tax-payer dollars on law enforcement. 
There is a mistaken belief, even amongst educated Americans, that methadone clinics are available for addiction treatments yet the workers on the ground have reported that only about 1 in 7 opioid dependent Americans get access to the opiate maintenance treatment they need and which is life saving (and these figures were from long before the current crisis).  For those who want or need abstinence based treatments the line for treatment positions is even longer. 
I have a personal theory to explain the present excessive death rates from opioids in America.  Popular drug use, combined with the Puritan sentiment for abstemiousness may have led many dependent citizens to go through cycles of short term sobriety, just as happens with many smokers.  The important difference however is that a recently withdrawn opioid dependent person is at enormous risk of death from overdose, having no tolerance.  This is combined with other disadvantages in America.  For instance, whenever an ambulance is called to an overdose the police are usually called as well; clean needles are often hard to access; penalties are high for drug possession so people may inject in haste; etc. 
*The above should be seen in context with an enlightened article by Prof Shane Darke, a world expert in overdose from Sydney.  He has enumerated four oft-repeated myths about overdose, knowing the facts prove quite the contrary: (1) most overdoses are in young, inexperienced users; (2) it is a variation in the purity of the drug which frequently leads to overdose; (3) the opioid is usually the culprit rather than other drugs; (4) impurities lead to overdose symptoms. 
After a lifetime of working the dependency field, Darke has a number of lessons for public health policy in his lead editorial in D&A Review.  He belabours that the greatest protection against overdose is being in a treatment program, giving many references for the fact that most overdose deaths occur in those not currently in treatment.  He also gives reasons why this frequently observed fact might be so, including the lessened use of opioids and non-opioid depressants in this population. 
According to Darke, response to overdose is another area needing urgent attention, especially the delays which occur in calling the ambulance.  Also Darke supports the provision of naloxone based on experience in numerous countries over a long period showing few problems and anecdotal reports of many resuscitation cases.  Darke also calls for emphasis on high risk periods such as the 2 weeks after release from prison (or detox ward) when tolerance is low and other factors raise the risk greatly (by a factor of 10 to 20 in some reports).  Polydrug use (including alcohol) is the last factor dealt with and he calls for public education campaigns.  It would be hard to find more widespread publicity than the numerous recent overdose deaths of high profile figures in the entertainment industry.  Yet the problem continues with little or no change in public policy in either American or Australia. 
It is clear to me that opiate programs should be available to all who need them in community based facilities at no cost to the consumer.  Yet they remain few in number and poor in quality with some demanding up to $100 per week for a drug which should cost about 50 cents per day.  The universities and GP’s colleges are still remiss in not treating this area as a priority in my view.  Some states do not even have an active sub-group dealing with this important field. 
Written by Andrew Byrne .. Redfern addiction doctor.
Andrew's blog http://ajbtravels.blogspot.com/

3 May 2014

Magnificent Manhattan never ceases to amaze: April engagements.

I was privileged to attend a number of functions on a recent trip to New York.  Each had some relevance to our field and two were talks I gave myself. 

1. Ernie Drucker gave an oration at NYU in the law school to an audience on the subject of “Challenging Punishment: The Road to Restorative Justice.” He coined the word ‘decarceration’ and there was a lively discussion about the dismantling of the Rockefeller laws.  31/3/14

2. “Is the War on Drugs Over?” A Panel Discussion on the Drug War's Effects on Human Rights and US Policies.   Vanderbilt Hall, Law School, NYU 4/4/14   

3. ‘VOCAL’ is an American ‘users’ group which had its 15th anniversary dinner and award ceremony (Americans are very serious about awarding deserving citizens - unlike Australia which still has a ‘tall poppy’ syndrome in some ways).   10/4/14 http://methadone-research.blogspot.com.au/2014/04/15-years-of-client-representation-in.html

4.  NYU also had a fascinating and challenging talk by Professor Susan Lindee, University of Pennsylvania. “Are genetic diseases genetic? Thinking about the history of Cystic Fibrosis”  Larmark had many attractions, even in Darwin’s lifetime.  16/4/14   http://postgenomic.files.wordpress.com/2013/08/lindee-are-genetic-diseases-genetic.pdf 

5. I gave Mental Health Grand Rounds at the Fort Hamilton VA Hospital at Bay Ridge, Brooklyn on “Methadone and buprenorphine: Clinical & Research Perspectives”. The talk also touched on hepatitis C assessment and treatment.  4/4/14 

6. Also the monthly Columbia University meeting at Faculty House, Drugs In Society Group where my talk was entitled: “Australian Perspectives on Harm Reduction” 8/4/14

7. I also attended Bellevue Hospital Divisional Rounds where three presentations were given, chaired by Dr Marc Galanter.  There were interesting talks on (1) modern designer drugs, (2) opiate addiction in chronic pain and (3) prescription opioid abuse.  I was shocked to learn that it is estimated that Americans spend 70 BILLION dollars annually on prescription opioids, reportedly with very little benefit overall … and pain is STILL undertreated in many cases.  2/4/14

8. Also meeting at Rockefeller University with Prof Mary Jeanne Kreek and her lab staff.  21/4/14

Also heard the “New Pavarotti” in Cinderella at the Met: clip:

27 April 2014

15 years of client representation in New York.

15th Anniversary celebration of the New York VOCAL group (Voices of Community Advocates & Leaders in New York).
There was a true celebratory mood amongst those who attended and EVERYONE had interesting stories to tell and were most welcoming to this outsider from down-under.  Many photos of the evening have been posted on the VOCAL web site ... there were politicians, drug law reform advocates, treatment / research sectors joining the user group members (the latter funded by the former in a clever 'deal').  Ethan Nadelmann, Tony Newman, Marsha Rosenbaum, Ira Glasser and Gabriele Sayegh were present from the DPA while there were many other familiar faces, all delightful but don't ask me for names!  
On arriving at the venue there was incredible energy, enthusiasm and electricity in the magnificent 33rd floor penthouse in West 42nd Street next to the Port Authority bus terminal.  The brief walk from Times Square at rush hour was an education in itself as most days in New York tend to be. 
The presentations were to honor:
Each spoke well and it was an uplifting event for all.  In very different fields these honorees had each devoted time and energies on aspects of relieving suffering for those with addictions, viral infections and other consequences of under-privilege. 
I met up with dozens of people at the function and would estimate that about half were professionals and half user/client representatives.  Some of course were both.  Each seemed to have very interesting stories, deep insights and individual perspectives on the subjects.  By 9pm I was longing to meet somebody who was boring! 
Photos have been posted by an efficient organisation: https://www.flickr.com/photos/vocal-ny/sets/72157643893705294/
Written by Andrew Byrne ..
It might seem churlish to say the our Australian equivalents, NUAA and Family Drug Support (and VIVAIDS) were started 25 and 17 years ago respectively.  But considering all the barriers and difficulties that exist in a country of Puritan origin, it is a wonder that there is such a group at all.  I note the groups name is not really descriptive of their charter which started originally with housing for HIV sufferers.